Pod Of Six Feeding Whales Dramatically Breach Next To Boat | Happily TV

2022-02-18 12

A group of whale watchers had the encounter of a lifetime when a pod of six humpback whales erupted from the water feeding on herring three metres from their boat. Steve Truluck and his friends Rob, Wouter, Marjin, Colinda and Becky were on holiday in Northern Norway when they decided to hire a boat to go whalewatching. As they ventured out towards an island called Loppa in the Artic, they spotted two pods of Orca. And as they followed them through a gap in the islands, there was a huge gathering of orcas and humpbacks feasting on herring. But as they watched a pod of humpback’s breach and dive while heading in their direction around 250metres away, they carefully watched to see where they would surface. And with a ripple of herring leaping out of the water, six giant humpbacks erupted from the water, mouths open immediately in front of the boat. The incredible sight was captured on video by Steve, who had just happened to switch from taking photos on his telephoto lens to recording on his cell phone.